Welcome to this Place of Emergence!

According to a Hopi legend, the world consists of several levels - or worlds - all connected and placed ontop of eachother. The Hopis tell that in ancient times, they migrated into this present Fourth World from the one below, climbing through a small hole in the ceiling of the latter. This tiny hole was named a Sipapu, or place of emergence.
Whether we want to label this story as true or false is perhaps not really the point. Some things are not intended to satisfy our rational, analyzing mind. Some stories are perhaps more correctly approached as mirrors - reflecting exacly what contents we ourselves put into them.

My intention is that the material of this blog may be approached as such mirrors. Perhaps a truth changes it's face every time it is observed from a new angle? Perhaps everything really depends on where we ourselves stand? Perhaps there are many levels to reality, like the Hopis themselves depict in their legend? And finally, perhaps every moment is a place of emergence, existing right within oursleves?

I'll leave the answers up the the viewer to decide. An answer is always present within every question. Similarly, a story is always planted inside every beginning, ready to be unpacked and unfolded.

Enjoy all that lives, grows, changes and is!

torsdag 3. juni 2010

The Interface Zone.

In the following text I have put together some excerpts from a discourse between a Teacher and a Student that I hope others can use for gaining personal inspiration and insight. The writing in it's entirety can be found at the Lyricus.org website, within the discourse-section under the title "The Interface Zone". My hope is to stir both a sense of curiousity and inner recognition within an open heart and mind of any reader that chooses to view this material. May resonance guide your way inwards.


Student: What is the interface zone?

Teacher: The interface zone is the aspect of your consciousness that interacts with the species with which you share a common biology. It is physically contained in your DNA, which acts as a node within a vast network that is ultimately connected to First Source.

Student: And what is this vast network?

Teacher: DNA is both a network within the individual body as well as a node within the species’ collective “body” or genetic mind. The human species is connected through this network, which is made possible through the DNA.

Student: So you’re saying that what happens inside me is transmitted to all other humans?

Teacher: The Interface Zone is like a computer on a network. You are not aware of the network unless you are interfacing with your computer. To access the network and retrieve and share information, you must be present at your computer. Similarly, the Interface Zone requires that you bring your attention to it in order to access this network that spans the entire species.

Student: You’re saying that I can communicate with everyone who is human?

Teacher: The Interface Zone is the originator of language – all languages. Language is encoded into this aspect of the DNA and it bubbles to the surface of human expression. This means that the human DNA brings language to the species and receives language from the species. It is a doorway that opens in both directions.

Student: Are you saying that I can communicate with my fellow species—at the level of DNA—through words?

Teacher: Yes.


Teacher: The Interface Zone is the meeting place of the physical and energetic levels. It is the transport of language between the two vibratory worlds. It is the gateway from the individual to the species. It is highly relevant in most biological species, but humans have sealed this gateway through the expression of their individuality and the pursuits of their ego.

Student: You’re speaking of group consciousness… like ants and bees?

Teacher: Yes, but there are countless species that have this capacity and exercise it.

Student: If humans have sealed this gateway, there must be a reason.

Teacher: It is the act of polluting the genetic mind that has kept this gateway sealed.

Student: Polluting the genetic mind?

Teacher: Thoughts are the only real form of pollution to the human species. Beyond purely instinctual expression, thoughts assemble language and language assembles behavior. This behavior can be destructive to the genetic mind of the species and can place severe limitations on its capacity to discern the soul from the soul carrier.

Student: So humans learn to identify with the soul carrier and not the soul?

Teacher: Yes.


Student: And who seals the gateway?

Teacher: Humans… subconsciously they know it is in their best interest to close this doorway in order to prevent irreversible damage to the genetic mind. Intuitively they know that a time will come when it will be reopened and the Interface Zone will once again be accessible to humanity.

Student: And how will it be unsealed?

Teacher: There are select individuals who will open this gateway for the purpose of transforming the genetic mind of the species. These individuals embody what is to come relative to the human species. In a sense, they are time travelers who bring the future of human capacities to the present-day. They transmit the future vision first, and then the tools to activate others.


Teacher: The Interface Zone is the access point to activating the group consciousness of humanity. If humanity can operate as a collective consciousness, while its members remain anchored in the fullness of their individuality, humanity will be able to rebalance the earth and operate as co-creators of a new earth with influence that would extend to galactic levels.

Student: How? How does this all happen?

Teacher: The Interface Zone is an important component of the Grand Portal discovery and it will become known as the connecting element of the human species that unifies its genetic mind, and in this unification, unleashes its power and capability to create solutions to the natural challenges of planetary life.


Teacher: Remember how I said the DNA could spontaneously configure wormhole-like structures?

Student: Yes.

Teacher: These structures are extra-sensory, and do not conform to three-dimensional constructs of spacetime. They rise and fall in their configurations in spontaneous reaction to a variety of stimuli.

Student: Like affirmations and mantras?

Teacher: Yes. They are like programming pods, in one sense, because the individual can reprogram their cellular DNA in such a way that it enhances their intuition or access to the genetic mind.

Student: How is this done precisely?

Teacher: The imagery of the wormhole structure, its impermanence and spontaneity, the manner in which this occurs outside of three-dimensional spacetime structures, the way in which the energy exchange is reciprocal, the image of DNA as an inter-species network—all of these elements enhance your picture of the process.

Student: I have a conceptual picture of this, but it’s by no means clear.

Teacher: You cannot have a clear mental picture of something that operates outside of spacetime structures. However, if you compare the picture you have now with the one you had ten minutes ago, it is infinitely more precise, wouldn’t you agree?

Student: I suppose, since I didn’t have any picture before.

Teacher: Exactly.

Student: This conceptual picture—vague as it is—is sufficient for me to begin?

Teacher: No. You need to picture it in your mind’s eye and contemplate the wondrous mechanics of this process. How the DNA is like tendrils of an enormously complex organism that energetically lives outside of the human body, but also has three-dimensional counterparts that communicate, store, and process information that reside mostly in the intuitive structure of the body-heart-mind system.


Teacher: Imagine that everyone within the human species, independent of age or social status, had a computer. Each person could access their computer, but only some had a connection to the network. Of these, some had a software interface. Of this group, a small percentage had developed content to place on this network, and of these, a very small fraction had created content that could be defined as inspiring to those who ventured onto the network.

Now, a higher authority—let’s call it God—inserts information onto this network, but protects it with a password. Who do you think God will provide the password to?

Student: The group that developed the inspiring content and have access to the network.

Teacher: There is truth to this analogy and there is a gentle deception as well. God is not interested in protecting the truth about the DNA network. Humans do this themselves.

All people have the “password” as surely as they each can breathe, but most believe they are in the group who lacks a computer connection to the network, so they don’t even try to access the network. The small fraction that knows of this network, believes it to be password protected.

Student: But if we have the password, we don’t use it?

Teacher: We don’t know how.

Student: Why?

Teacher: As I said before, humanity has forgotten this capability because it is more interested in the exploration of the individual ego than the formation and evolution of the group consciousness.

Student: Can you tell me what this password is?

Teacher: You must have the conceptual picture and you must hold the following affirmation clearly in your mind and heart: I am forever connected to my brothers and sisters of all time and space. What is known by them I can know. What is found by them I can find. What is to come from them I can be. In all that I do may the mind of many hold sway over the mind of one.

Student: This is the password?

Teacher: It is an encoded affirmation. It activates the Interface Zone within you. It stimulates the connection between you and the genetic mind of humanity.

Student: But the password is something else?

Teacher: You are looking for the key to turn the lock when you haven’t yet found the door. Be patient. All matters of the spirit are a process of interchange between the world of the body-heart-mind system and the inner dimensions of the soul.

The Interface Zone is the connecting bridge between you and the species. What you desire is to connect, not isolate. To step forward into the group consciousness, not judge its imperfection. To offer your talents to this consolidated being, not the God of your image.

The password is only a metaphor for accepting this basic attitude and allowing it authority in your heart of hearts and mind of minds. This attitude must hold primacy in your being.


Teacher: The password is not a magic word or mantra or affirmation. It is the construction, over time, of an attitude that becomes intrinsic to your character. When you can cite the affirmation I gave you and know in your heart and mind that you have truly lived this for a period of months, perhaps years, you will have the transparent access to the genetic mind that you seek.

Student: Thank you for your insight. I understand what I came to learn this day. I have only one remaining question.

Teacher: What is your question?

Student: The affirmation says that whatever I do may the mind of many hold sway over the mind of one. Isn’t the mind of one a metaphor for First Source? And if this is the case, why should I place my trust upon the genetic mind instead of the ultimate Creator of all life?

Teacher: The mind of one is you. First Source is neither the mind of one nor the mind of many. It is the Mind of All… to the degree that First Source can be referred to as a mind.

Student: So the mind of many is a metaphor for the genetic mind of humanity?

Teacher: Yes. It is an ancient term that is encoded. Your DNA actually “hears” this affirmation, and the “wormholes” of connection spontaneously form as a result.

First Source and those concerned about the evolutionary path of humanity are encoding an aspect of the genetic mind to be a tool useful in the discovery of the Grand Portal. This particular affirmation is useful in accessing this specific part of the genetic mind. It is not resonant with all aspects of the genetic mind.

Student: I understand. Thank you.

Teacher: You are most welcome.

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