When moving towards the Sovereign Integral state of awareness, the individual will also shift it's belief-system towards utilizing information stored within the genetic mind for creating passages into the manifestation of Source-aligned life-experience. Self-transforming presentation of wholeness-centered life-perspectives will run like veins of authenticity through all manifestations of belief, pulling the individuated consciousness through unity-breeding life-principles within an exploration-based model of existence. Rather than being bound to external sources for re-constructing second-hand life-experience, an exploration-based model of existence will draw the human instrument closer to experiencing the infinite Oneness of All Time contained within the present moment. In so doing, the human instrument will move it's awareness through the portal of connection that links it with the abilities imbued within Source Reality. This awareness will manifest within your human mind as you embrace the frequency of Oneness vibrating through your root of connectedness to All-That-Is.
This root is the secret, primordial root that over time will manifest within the consciousness of the human being. Genetically, it will probe a strand of resonance between the many encoded, multi-dimensional densities within the DNA-vortex. Metaphorically, it will reveal itself as an individual increasingly realizes it’s own core identity as a holographic, multi-dimensional field of beingness centered within the simultaneous occurrence of All time in One time - rendering life as a vast musical composition of synchronized, inter-meshing time-segments - all within a universal framework. The very nature of time as such a dynamic, holographic spiral-consciousness gives rise to the phenomenon of overlapping belief-systems within the genetic mind of your species, and in turn the perceived re-occurrence of their physical manifestations throughout the reality-fields you collectively create.
The inherent purpose of belief-systems is to breed life-experience. For all individuals that conform to specific systems of belief, patterns of coherence will manifest as perceived truth, when objective fields of reality are born. Clusters of Individuality are therefore spaced together like molecules within structures of collective experience. Each individual’s local universe comprises an atom within the crystallized body of your tangible, objective reality - yet the Wholeness Universe is equally much a particle embedded within YOU, as you are embedded within IT.
Clusters of individuality equal fields of reality. In turn, fields of reality equal spheres of consciousness - or collective time. Nevertheless, whichever name they may be given, these Clusters of Individuality will always center around a focal-point of conformity. Such focal-points are cast within the fundamental nature of your biological component, serving their purpose of anchoring your life-experience to survival within the reality-field your species collectively create. These focal-points act as dispersers of information stored within the genetic mind, and are extended from branches upon a vast cosmological tree ultimately rooted in the primal vision First-Source first conceived through ITSELF. An awareness - however dimly it may be felt - of the implicit Source and Wholeness within all Clusters of Individuality is therefore strung like a holographic echo-vibration throughout all fragments of individuated consciousness.
This awareness is woven like a thread of identity through the fabric of the multi-dimensional universe. It is like an invisible needle that stitches together your concept of the Wholeness Universe, and - like an axis underpinning your sense of macro within micro and vice versa - it is spun through nodes of beingness along the spirit-web of All That Is. It serves as a meridian of connectedness upon the wholeness-map you collectively design within your aggregated field of consciousness – spread out like a giant sheet upon the quantum-presence of First-Source.
From the smallest units of time and space you may recognize within your physical universe, this Thread of Identity is coiled through your DNA - like a luminous tendril of pure life-expression encased within the gravity of survival - finally to be released within your consciousness as the distant echo-awareness of First Source. It is strung between your finite self and the infinite spirit-presence you posses within - and may always be felt and nurtured towards awareness.
However fleetingly, however dimly – this echo-awareness of your true self is forever whispering from the well of inspirational beauty you contain within, as your own living truth.
-Excerpt from A personal transmission,
from my beliefs to yours.
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