søndag 31. mai 2015
Each of these locations transmit a different energetic vibration too, relative to the perceptions of the human species:
- One place is the source of the ever-present beginning; the "nowness" of the moment.
- The other acts like the library of all that has been and all that can be.
- The third location represents the ever-watching eye that gazes over the entire time-space continuum.
These words draw in elements from all three. They lie at the heart of three circles which outline the true nature of time:
its nowness
its infinity
and its intrinsic connection to our own point of view.
lørdag 31. desember 2011
First Father, Old Man and the golden memory.
the holy children
higher and lower
kin of Heimdal.
He, Father of the Fallen,
wants me to tell
of ancient deeds
that I recall.
Although myths and legends have lost much of their original value within our western culture, they may still be used to conjure sparks of vivid remembrance from the very foundations of our human being. Being of a great lineage of tradition, the art of story-telling has the ability to re-connect our consciousness with our most ancestral roots, dug deep within the soil of collective symbolism and code. A story rising from this soil brings us closer to a state where identities dissolves like a drop of water falling into the sea. Such stories can only be created by the heart, since only it knows how to navigate within the waters of this sea.
The story that follows only is fragment of one that forever is greater; one that only the heart can know the entire scope and meaning of. Its the story of our ancient creator, an old man and a golden memory they both shared.
I'm an old man
a funny, ancient man.
Remind me once again
of what I already know.
Through a long life, Old Man had collected bits and pieces of wisdom from around the entire globe, gathering stories from many countries and passing them on through word and writing. He had brought together wise counsel from countless people. He had compared and he had analyzed, and could easily recount many a tale. He had mixed his thoughts like they where ingredients in a great cauldron, and crafted many fine pieces of consultation this way. He had listened patiently to both enemies and friends, knowing that the whole truth forever is inscribed with striking letters in dark clouds of conflicts. Still, the memory he so dearly longed to know remained ever illusive. This filled Old Man with sad feeling, as he felt he still lived an unresolved life.
that is what I am
who needs to be reminded
who longs back to what was, or is
I can't recall,
but never mind at all.
Born and raised as a great traveler, Old Man had mastered the skill of moving between different worlds and states of being within himself. Whichever realm he jumped into, the man would always enter with many gifts embedded within his heart and soul. Yet, in his great nap-sack of capabilities, he carried one talent that soared higher above the mortal ground than any other: He was a great composer of poetry, and a vivid craftsman of words.
Whenever he spoke, all creatures where seeded by visions of beauty and wonder. With pearl-like strings of pure enchantment, he would mesh together the most beautiful images and pass them on in parcels of neatly ordered rhythm and rhyme. Therefore, just like a moth is faithfully drawn towards a light-bulb, so the man felt that his most important task in life was to continue the stories of his ancestors and gather them around the light of something timeless. And surely, through all the tales of his forebears, he could feel how a certain glimmer of remembrance would shine out brighter than all the rest. Still, he never felt he was able to offer it complete form and manifestation. What he most truly searched for remained like a vivid knowing veiled by thick, impregnable forgetfulness. Like a star in the night sky, the unknowable memory blinked down towards his mortal mind, utterly separated from all he did. How much he longed to become a part of it and place it like a shining particle inside his own body!
I laugh into a mirror
that shows those golden days,
the time when all was fresh
so innocent and pure.
Vaguely I recall
but now I start anew.
For some reason, staring into the

Old Man would smile whenever he sensed the handy-work of this great creature, dressed so elegantly in a night-gown of constellations and stars. He knew that it was the real bringer of every fine verses of poetry he ever had made, and for these gifts that he received, he remained forever thankful. Yet somehow it bothered him greatly that he had been awarded one memory that never seemed to sprout through the thickness of his mortal thought. Whenever he felt bothered by this, his imagination became hard and barren like a lifeless dessert, yet the willful memory glowed brighter than the sun, like ever before. If only the old man could unveil his most original self. If only he could peel away the skin of both fire and sun, and secure a glimpse of his ancient ear that forever would listen.
born of the void
who long ago
reared and raised me.
Nine worlds I know,
nine wives;
a vast tree
rising from soil.
For most of us, the image of our primordial past is hard to revive in the form of a conscious being. Yet for some, our most distant past is sensed like an ancient creature living in the deepest caverns of the human mind. Some of those that see the furthest know him as their First Father; the progenitor of the entire world and all human children. For the old men of this land, he bore the resemblance of a primordial giant, reckoned as the distant fore-father of both gods and men. Some believe that he still exists today, with the whole world as his body. Some believe that he forever perceives the hum of the universe through ancient gateways of time and stone.
there was nothing
neither sand nor sea
nor cool waves.
Earth was not
nor the heavens above,
only the great void
and nowhere grass.
In the turbid meeting between flames and frost, the body of First Father was born. When entering this world, First Father was a magnificent creature, splendid to behold, although incomprehensible in his altogether spirited ways. First Father offered himself fully to his creation, as nothing could withstand His desire to know himself forever more. He was an immortal being; all-mighty like a great king, and he knew how to maintain life within each tiny crevice of his vast kingdom.
Whenever his mind became stiff and cold, the eternal fires of his abode would rise, bringing movement and flow into all realms of his making. In the unity between his opposing thoughts, all worlds where knit together, and the purpose of life was brought to comprehension. By his radiant desire, all things where destined to unfold feelings of remembrance from the depths of time, just like a flower swirls its fragrance out into the surrounding air.
First Father both knew and saw, and blessed the quickening currents that nurtured and sustained all life, pouring down from his very soul. Whenever he cried for clarity, he would conjure sparks of sacred meaning and send them through the flesh of his mind, mending the wounds of tangled thoughts. First Father knew how to heal and maintain the purity of his own image. He contained a radiant vision indeed, and was content with all that it witnessed. First Father was singular, but he was eternally present in all. He lived within everything. And he listened to what everyone had to say.
If mose will grow upon me
I'll shake it off with mirth;
much there is to remember
I'd better give it birth.
as future becomes past
through the twining tunnel
that merges first and last.
From the very back of his mind, something wore the radiant smile of some unpronounceable joy, unfamiliar to anything he knew from before. He both revered and resented this rebel memory; the sole one he never managed to comprehend. Whenever he fell thoughtful and silent, it would flare up vividly, deeply engraved within his very foundation of being, like furrows in eternity's face. Never would they emit a single word or meaning he could understand, yet they

as inside becomes out
the old becomes the newborn
his name was the first shout.
Somehow, the old man knew he beheld a truly sacred language, one that was spread out like wings of reconciliation between the great constellations of the universe, including his mind. It appeared to him like a fabric of light woven elaborately into the black dress of his creator. It was a tongue he knew he had encountered before, whenever he stared fixedly into the brightness of the fire, or the piercing rays of the sun. He did not know where it came from, nor did he understand why it settled so perfectly in his mind. Yet he loved to behold its magic splendor. It reminded the old man of something beautiful he had known a long time ago; something that lived deep below the skin of all sacred radiance, and which would unlock something so very secret each time he gazed directly into its heart.
just give me time to make;
by doing it once over
I'll give back all I take.
If only the man could tell what lay on the other side of the shining memory. If only he could embrace the newborn image that lay cradled in the gladness of his soul. If only he could peal away time's petals and consume the delicate wisdom of stars, like his most ancient fore-father already did.
Sun shed from the south,
moon's companion
and right hand
across the sky-rim.
Sun did not know
where she had her place,
stars did not know
where they could stand,
moon did not know
what power he held.
Each new day, when First Father awoke, he would turn his attention towards the east, towards the place where light first broke through. For a moment, he would stare fixedly through it, and his heart would revel in communion with its bright rays. While this was done, the sun would grant him keys to unlock a new day's secret, which would make his thoughts quicken and dance in the likeness of pure sound.
The sun would forever caress his entire body and greet him like a dear friend. In the radiance of such moments, First Father felt whole and happy, as he conjured the splendid image of all that lived and breathed in countless compartments of his conjoined self. How he loved to admire this image! How he loved to see the sun spread its wide grin across the entire fabric of his far-flung mind!
He was always busy, First Father, conversing in silence with all the holy spheres - planets as well as tiny particles - while all creatures brought him tidings from the entire world. All things where his close friends, as he knew the wordless language of eternity. All was near to him, and no limits existed for his radiant thought. Completely at one with his creation, First Father rode upon currents of remembrance to all the places his heart already knew. Nothing was hidden for him, and no place was ever too far away to visit. First Father was extremely wise, and memory loved him like children love their grandfather's lap.
and where content
lacked nothing
made of gold,
then came three
full of force
from the Other Side.
But suddenly, there came a day when the sun could not find the wholeness of First Father's image. It looked everywhere, but some strange part of his being was nowhere to be found. Because of this, their ancient line of friendship started to grow withered and frail. It was if though a creeping cloud of forgetfulness separated the two, slowly dissolving their daily line of communication and heartfelt exchange. First Father could no longer honor the other beings that surrounded him like he used to before, when each ripe sun gave him bright keys to unlock a new day's secrets. In the end, the sun completely stopped sending luminous letters into the mailbox of his heart. No living creature knew why this happened, any more than First Father knew himself.
and mirror it in matter,
unfolding this old flame
the former from the latter.
Following the fraily spun
the tiny cord of truth
that simply tells what surely is
and doesn't need no proof.
From that moment, First Father's mind grew hard and cold, and his thoughts slowed down to near standstill. He found it harder and harder to appreciate the immortal ways of nature, and eventually he found it difficult to even remember his original self. Slowly he crept into a shell of dark forgetfulness; yet by the hand of his immortality, he seeded the wholeness of his vision in earthly form, so that matter would ripen and consume the radiant wisdom of stars once more. He, First Father, encapsulated a whole star-field of life within himself, and distilled this lucid memory into each fragment of his creation, knowing that it would pro-create endlessly within the soil of flesh and time.
The race of Gods
on ever-green plains
raised great temples
and timbered shrines.
They brought fire
and precious things;
wrought lore
in shining letters.
As First Father's mind became frail, wise men would start to collect stories preserved in the past, so as to never loose the image of their true source and progenitor. It was told by such elders that the body of their most ancient father once was sacrificed to a younger race of gods, so that a new world could be formed. This younger god-race emerged for the purpose of founding a second realm of creation, as the former was brought to completion. These gods where the old men of renown, great warriors and seers, as well as shining craftsmen of poetry. From what was old and decayed, they wrought beautiful creations wherein life could be stored. In unison, they spread out the entire carcass of First Father, and thereby created our present world with all its splendor and beauty.
are petals that entwine
and pealing back these layers
unscrews what some call time.
It is said that anyone who climbs up the slope of Snæfellsjökull will be swept in currents of an enormous tale; a tale that even is worthy of entering First Father's ear, filling his mind with countless visions of both beauty and wonder. They will become woven into a story that vibrates through the wholeness of his creation, since First Father was, and still is, the immortality of pure silence itself. And just like First Father once offered his body for the creation of this world, so will anyone placing their life into the hands of this sacred mountain sacrifice a part their eternal self too, weaving it within the ephemeral image of mingled hearts. Only time separates these hearts from melting together with the image of their creation. Only time keeps them from knowing the oneness of they posess within.
thoughts descend in letters
here I open what I know
released from ancient fetters.
Some elders would speak of shining messengers that would emerge out of nothingness, appearing like flesh-covered sparks of remembrance, born to engrave fine tales of unity into the grey matter that contains all mankind. These messengers would deliver testimonies of their sacred ancestry, beckoning others to realize how family lines always are rooted in the radiance of stars. It is their light that forever weaves the delicate construction of mingled lives known as our future as well as our past. It is them that conjure the splendid image of our conjoined self for the admiration of our inner eye. They are the eternal bringers of new creation, yet their true names will forever remain veiled by human thought.
Some of these messengers would deliver tales that shone out like golden imprints from the depths of their mind. To this day, the images within these tales are written on golden pages containing the wisdom, as well as profundity, of all human speech. Such an image lives within us all, calmly asleep, cradled in the shining cloth of its own consumption, and destined to be born when feelings and fire unite. And with that, an old man's story is melded into eternity's skin.
I recall men
first to enter
when gold-thirst came,
was pierced by sword
and burnt alive
in High One's hall.
Three times burnt
three times born
often, unseldom,
yet still they live.
In the quiet of evenings, the old man would sit by a fire and offer the stories he found wrapped in his flesh to the consume of flames. With his heart he knew that the fire received everything he told. Through time, he undressed the voice his entire body and offered it to the fire's neutral, ever-listening ear. He realized he contained the luminous keys he had been searching for so long; the keys he had played with in the gardens of his distant past, in the very youth of his existence, when all was so innocent and pure. "If I only could press my heart close enough to this place", he thought, "maybe I then can pick up these luminous keys and unlock my secret existence in eternity ".
Within this secret existence, his true self was sealed. It happened so that in one holy moment, consumed by pure illumination, the old man unlocked the shining gateway placed at the very back of his mind. Shedding the impermanence of his human form, he entered the body of his distant fore-father as pure light. From the very pit of his fiery altar, the old man felt himself rise like a wingless bird, infusing the cool night air with a sheer curtain of smoke and a fleeting trail of gladness. Old Man was transformed. He was at one with the fire's eternal nature, and his feelings where completely set free.
is worthy one more round
unless it holds a seed of truth
to plant into this ground.
Beauty stays the same
timelessness does too,
old and young both understand
why the sky is blue.
Somewhere, an old man's being was filled by an awesome cry of silence. No sound could echo more fully through the ancient halls of his conjoined flesh. And so, the old man melted together with his true self, like a teardrop of longing melts together with the greater sea. Only his feelings could trace the trajectory of this teardrop, like a rebel tale of fine golden letters, written so elegantly upon the back-side of his mind.
søndag 30. oktober 2011
Sacred Time and the Tzolkin.
torsdag 3. juni 2010
The Interface Zone.
In the following text I have put together some excerpts from a discourse between a Teacher and a Student that I hope others can use for gaining personal inspiration and insight. The writing in it's entirety can be found at the Lyricus.org website, within the discourse-section under the title "The Interface Zone". My hope is to stir both a sense of curiousity and inner recognition within an open heart and mind of any reader that chooses to view this material. May resonance guide your way inwards.
Student: What is the interface zone?
Teacher: The interface zone is the aspect of your consciousness that interacts with the species with which you share a common biology. It is physically contained in your DNA, which acts as a node within a vast network that is ultimately connected to First Source.
Student: And what is this vast network?
Teacher: DNA is both a network within the individual body as well as a node within the species’ collective “body” or genetic mind. The human species is connected through this network, which is made possible through the DNA.
Student: So you’re saying that what happens inside me is transmitted to all other humans?
Teacher: The Interface Zone is like a computer on a network. You are not aware of the network unless you are interfacing with your computer. To access the network and retrieve and share information, you must be present at your computer. Similarly, the Interface Zone requires that you bring your attention to it in order to access this network that spans the entire species.
Student: You’re saying that I can communicate with everyone who is human?
Teacher: The Interface Zone is the originator of language – all languages. Language is encoded into this aspect of the DNA and it bubbles to the surface of human expression. This means that the human DNA brings language to the species and receives language from the species. It is a doorway that opens in both directions.
Student: Are you saying that I can communicate with my fellow species—at the level of DNA—through words?
Teacher: Yes.
Teacher: The Interface Zone is the meeting place of the physical and energetic levels. It is the transport of language between the two vibratory worlds. It is the gateway from the individual to the species. It is highly relevant in most biological species, but humans have sealed this gateway through the expression of their individuality and the pursuits of their ego.
Student: You’re speaking of group consciousness… like ants and bees?
Teacher: Yes, but there are countless species that have this capacity and exercise it.
Student: If humans have sealed this gateway, there must be a reason.
Teacher: It is the act of polluting the genetic mind that has kept this gateway sealed.
Student: Polluting the genetic mind?
Teacher: Thoughts are the only real form of pollution to the human species. Beyond purely instinctual expression, thoughts assemble language and language assembles behavior. This behavior can be destructive to the genetic mind of the species and can place severe limitations on its capacity to discern the soul from the soul carrier.
Student: So humans learn to identify with the soul carrier and not the soul?
Teacher: Yes.
Student: And who seals the gateway?
Teacher: Humans… subconsciously they know it is in their best interest to close this doorway in order to prevent irreversible damage to the genetic mind. Intuitively they know that a time will come when it will be reopened and the Interface Zone will once again be accessible to humanity.
Student: And how will it be unsealed?
Teacher: There are select individuals who will open this gateway for the purpose of transforming the genetic mind of the species. These individuals embody what is to come relative to the human species. In a sense, they are time travelers who bring the future of human capacities to the present-day. They transmit the future vision first, and then the tools to activate others.
Teacher: The Interface Zone is the access point to activating the group consciousness of humanity. If humanity can operate as a collective consciousness, while its members remain anchored in the fullness of their individuality, humanity will be able to rebalance the earth and operate as co-creators of a new earth with influence that would extend to galactic levels.Student: How? How does this all happen?
Teacher: The Interface Zone is an important component of the Grand Portal discovery and it will become known as the connecting element of the human species that unifies its genetic mind, and in this unification, unleashes its power and capability to create solutions to the natural challenges of planetary life.
Teacher: Remember how I said the DNA could spontaneously configure wormhole-like structures?Student: Yes.
Teacher: These structures are extra-sensory, and do not conform to three-dimensional constructs of spacetime. They rise and fall in their configurations in spontaneous reaction to a variety of stimuli.
Student: Like affirmations and mantras?
Teacher: Yes. They are like programming pods, in one sense, because the individual can reprogram their cellular DNA in such a way that it enhances their intuition or access to the genetic mind.
Student: How is this done precisely?
Teacher: The imagery of the wormhole structure, its impermanence and spontaneity, the manner in which this occurs outside of three-dimensional spacetime structures, the way in which the energy exchange is reciprocal, the image of DNA as an inter-species network—all of these elements enhance your picture of the process.
Student: I have a conceptual picture of this, but it’s by no means clear.
Teacher: You cannot have a clear mental picture of something that operates outside of spacetime structures. However, if you compare the picture you have now with the one you had ten minutes ago, it is infinitely more precise, wouldn’t you agree?
Student: I suppose, since I didn’t have any picture before.
Student: This conceptual picture—vague as it is—is sufficient for me to begin?
Teacher: No. You need to picture it in your mind’s eye and contemplate the wondrous mechanics of this process. How the DNA is like tendrils of an enormously complex organism that energetically lives outside of the human body, but also has three-dimensional counterparts that communicate, store, and process information that reside mostly in the intuitive structure of the body-heart-mind system.
(...)Teacher: Imagine that everyone within the human species, independent of age or social status, had a computer. Each person could access their computer, but only some had a connection to the network. Of these, some had a software interface. Of this group, a small percentage had developed content to place on this network, and of these, a very small fraction had created content that could be defined as inspiring to those who ventured onto the network.
Now, a higher authority—let’s call it God—inserts information onto this network, but protects it with a password. Who do you think God will provide the password to?
Student: The group that developed the inspiring content and have access to the network.
Teacher: There is truth to this analogy and there is a gentle deception as well. God is not interested in protecting the truth about the DNA network. Humans do this themselves.
All people have the “password” as surely as they each can breathe, but most believe they are in the group who lacks a computer connection to the network, so they don’t even try to access the network. The small fraction that knows of this network, believes it to be password protected.
Student: But if we have the password, we don’t use it?
Teacher: We don’t know how.
Student: Why?
Teacher: As I said before, humanity has forgotten this capability because it is more interested in the exploration of the individual ego than the formation and evolution of the group consciousness.
Student: Can you tell me what this password is?
Teacher: You must have the conceptual picture and you must hold the following affirmation clearly in your mind and heart: I am forever connected to my brothers and sisters of all time and space. What is known by them I can know. What is found by them I can find. What is to come from them I can be. In all that I do may the mind of many hold sway over the mind of one.
Student: This is the password?
Teacher: It is an encoded affirmation. It activates the Interface Zone within you. It stimulates the connection between you and the genetic mind of humanity.
Student: But the password is something else?
Teacher: You are looking for the key to turn the lock when you haven’t yet found the door. Be patient. All matters of the spirit are a process of interchange between the world of the body-heart-mind system and the inner dimensions of the soul.
The Interface Zone is the connecting bridge between you and the species. What you desire is to connect, not isolate. To step forward into the group consciousness, not judge its imperfection. To offer your talents to this consolidated being, not the God of your image.
The password is only a metaphor for accepting this basic attitude and allowing it authority in your heart of hearts and mind of minds. This attitude must hold primacy in your being.
Teacher: The password is not a magic word or mantra or affirmation. It is the construction, over time, of an attitude that becomes intrinsic to your character. When you can cite the affirmation I gave you and know in your heart and mind that you have truly lived this for a period of months, perhaps years, you will have the transparent access to the genetic mind that you seek.
Student: Thank you for your insight. I understand what I came to learn this day. I have only one remaining question.
Teacher: What is your question?
Student: The affirmation says that whatever I do may the mind of many hold sway over the mind of one. Isn’t the mind of one a metaphor for First Source? And if this is the case, why should I place my trust upon the genetic mind instead of the ultimate Creator of all life?
Teacher: The mind of one is you. First Source is neither the mind of one nor the mind of many. It is the Mind of All… to the degree that First Source can be referred to as a mind.
Student: So the mind of many is a metaphor for the genetic mind of humanity?
Teacher: Yes. It is an ancient term that is encoded. Your DNA actually “hears” this affirmation, and the “wormholes” of connection spontaneously form as a result.
First Source and those concerned about the evolutionary path of humanity are encoding an aspect of the genetic mind to be a tool useful in the discovery of the Grand Portal. This particular affirmation is useful in accessing this specific part of the genetic mind. It is not resonant with all aspects of the genetic mind.
Student: I understand. Thank you.
Teacher: You are most welcome.
onsdag 2. juni 2010
Activating inner fields of guidance.
Truth is a resonance. Truth is a reconciliation between opposites - for only through division can unity be born. Through harmonic tension, truth may find a passage - as in music, as in motion, as in words of guiding hope.
-Through your life. Reach for your core expression, and cast it like an echo of First Source's tone-vibration.
-Does First Source have an expression?
-You create it, and so does everyone that seeks to experience a living sense of truth through the written medium. If you ask for a mission, this is the closest you will get.
-What does it involve?
-If you refere to your work, it means that you will probe channels of resonance towards First Source through the genetic mind.
-How can that be achieved?
-By using the genetic mind as a module for exploring pathways into Source Reality.
-Not Source Intelligence?
-The differences are subtle yet distinct; you will learn to utilize the true value of discrimination as you learn to feel the resonance each word casts. It is true: Words may quickly lead one astray, and one must always keep an observant mind and heart for the quality of resonance any word has to your own embedded sense of truth. If this connection is lost, abandon your work and start anew.
-Exactly how does one modulate the genetic mind?
-By utilizing it's contents as building-blocks for a bridge into Source Reality's wordless domain. When you - as a human instrument - reach out fathom the unfathomable within yourself, you will find that all the passageway within the belief-systems of your genetic mind fall short to experiencing the power of First Source - except for those passageways that follow what we call the strand of unconditional love.
Only this strand of belief connects you to the vibrations of the heart, wherein the wholeness of your human experience dwells. When embracing a living sense of truth through the written word, you may collect fragments of beliefs and reassemble these shards into a coherent image more aligned towards the experience of Source Reality.
In this way, the genetic mind will be modified, since it's contents - being the collective system of belief that permeates your species behaviour from distant past to far-out future - will be rearranged and constructed into a more coherent network of ideas, concepts and beliefs.
-What will this increasingly coherent network resemble?
-When you guide your thoughts along the lines of a crystallized vision, you are being led correctly towards conceptualizing such a network. Ultimately, a harmonic genetic mind will resemble a structure something akin to the molecular geometry of a crystal. Another way of seeing it, may be to imagine the human species as co-workers and constructors of a gossamer web of thought-fillaments, reminiscent to the structured order of a beehive. When collectively conceptualizing a common vision, you will collaborate towards creating exactly what you think: The image of a living library within, wherein information may be stored and retrieved at conscious will.
This beehive-like network will be universal in nature, and will extend to all members of beings centered around the same genetic template. Remember! The power of one candle in the darkness can fill a whole room with light. Similarly, one voice of clarity within a mass of confusion may become the strand of coherence that tips the whole system into a new state of stability. Such is the nature of change, those times when a system reaches it's limits and has exhausted all possibilities within a certain range of context.
The time is now ripe to expand the territory knowable through your genetic mind, and use it as a vessel into the uncharted realms of First Source. To do so, one must primarily break free from a conditioned mindset and learn to recognize the subtle fields of guidance that may be embraced within your own self.
-How can one recognize such subtle fields of guidance?
-By following the one strand of belief that still renders you a sense of connection to Source Reality: Unconditional love to all that is. As you become inclined towards practicing such a belief - or one in close proximity - throughout every waking moment of your life, your human instrument will slowly transform. With increased clarity you will become able to pick up the frequency of Oneness that is broadcasted by First Source, and anchor this frequency within your heart, which is the receptor of First Source's primal vibration of wholeness and fundamental unity within all that is.
These frequencies will over time break through the genetic mind - and by their own inherent nature, they will gather fragments therein that render the will of First Source audiable to your human mind. You have come to recognize a fatherly voice within that offers unconditional guidance and assistance throughout all of life's endeavours. You have come to recognize this voice as an inner manifestation of your own embedded truth. This voice holds the frequency of Oneness broadcasted by First Source, clothing this frequency in conscious form with material gathered from the genetic mind, so that is may reach the waking awareness of your human mind.
The contents selected from the genetic mind will naturally become assembled and placed in alignment with the will of First Source, because this is the very nature of First Source's vibration of unity. By it's own self-guided intelligence it will draw together the pieces it needs to manifest it's core expression, because this is the very purpose of it's vibration. First Source breeds unity through division. First Source broadcasts the frequency that acts like the attractor of all physical manifestation. That is precisely why First Source is embedded within all manifestation as a primal vibration of Oneness.
-This primal vibration of Oneness found within all that is, can it be called love?
-What is it that always draws you closer to experiencing your true self? What is it that always beckons you to go further? Become the detective, and search for yourself. You may just discover, how truth always lives through that which you seek.
-And not neccesarily through that which I have found?
-Look for yourself, dear Seeker, and you will move closer to finding your answer.
-Ok, I think this may be sufficinet for now?
-You are quite right. You have found what you have been looking for, and so have we. You have found the place where dream and destiny meet within yourself.
-I thank you, and I will thank myself.
-You do wise in doing so. Flow with compassion for all that is.

torsdag 6. mai 2010
The Trigonal model of expression.
Isn´t it ironic how the very last thing the fish discovers, is water itself?
I believe that the longing for unity magnetizes the attention of us all. I also believe that we are ready to shift our awareness towards increased wholeness - both within ourselves and in the outside world. We are lifted towards recognizing that fragmented experience is only a passageway into realizing the underlying wholeness of existence, and how this new awareness has to be "born" into the world through our own lives.
These words point towards a state where apparent contradictions can be embodied by one truth. They point towards a future where we may release our fragrance of individuality, while still realizing our connection to the same ground. They point towards the singularity of this moment, through which we feed off infinities nourishing soil. They point towards the truth that the closer we stand to ourselves, the more can we give to others. Within our tiniest source, we find the greatness of the world.
...I believe the triadic model I have outlined is a universal symbol utilized by a myriad different people as well as cultures throughout the ages. Only it´s name and representative parts have changed - it´s purpose has remained the same. On an individual level, it may be described as centering ourselves within a field of experience, where we move towards embracing the Wholeness of all that touches our attention within the present moment. It becomes the sail that lifts our awareness out of the fragmented world-view that pervades our consciousness today, bringing in a new perspective of reality, where all is seen through the converging prism of unity.
On a collective level, it unfolds the awareness of how each of us is bonded together by the same encompassing truth. As we shift towards expressing this awareness, purer strands of communication will flow throughout the withered veins of our shared body. We will awaken to the realization of how we all are like particles woven through eachother, how the great is contained within the small, how above is like below - and how we all are bridges posed between heaven and earth.
...Basically, a Trigonal is a planar (2-dimensional) molecular structure consisting of three atoms connected to one central atom. It resembles the geometrical shape of an equal-angled threesome whith a central point in the middle. The three surrounding atoms represent the expression of images, music and words, while the central "nave" to which they are attached represents the individual through which they are expressed.
Now, I want to stretch our imagination towards percieving all of us as one such central atom, and our trigonal of expression as fields of interaction with the outside world. The expressions we extend from ourselves may touch others, manifesting a bond of mutual exchange in between two people like atoms combining into molecules. A chain reaction might then occure, as new trigonals turn in bloom, rearranging our interactions into a harmonious, strong grid.
The grid that would arise bears a striking resemblance to the structure of a bee-hive. The hexagones of interaction would relate to us collectively like the cells in our bodies relate to us as individuals. Together we form the cellular structure of our collective human body. The genuine expressions we derive from our heart´s artistic palette would become the fillaments of coherence that herald a new identity of ourselves as one, interconnected being, sharing a common purpose and a common mind. We all would become atoms within the collective body of humanity - it´s cells sustaining the total of our organism, when our heart´s expression arches over to our fellow brothers and sisters.
Then, as we gaze out into the world, marvelling at it´s mystery, perhaps we would feel the presence of a vast being staring through our sense of wonder, reminding us that our mind is but a tiny facet upon it´s sparkling eye.
-Excerpts from The ground below my feet; an attempt at directing my own life along a personally meaningfull path.

"The greatest gift we can give to the world, is our own inner truth".
First Source.
In most cultures where the term "god" or "goddess" is used to define this omnipotent power, it often represents an entity that has evolved beyond the range of human comprehension and who manifests magical powers like manipulating the natural elements through thought or manifesting as non-corporeal Light Beings. These manifestations are described and depicted in virtually all cultures of the human race through its religious texts and mythology. While these may be entities that are highly evolved in their abilities and knowledge, they should not be confused with First Source.
First Source is not a manifestation, but rather a consciousness that inhabits all time, space, energy, matter, form, intent; as well as all non-time, non-space, non-matter, non-energy, non-form, and non-intent. It is the only consciousness that unifies all states of being into one Being. And this Being is First Source. It is a growing, expanding, and inexplicable consciousness that organizes the collective experience of all states of being into a coherent plan of creation; expansion and colonization into the realms of creation; and the inclusion of creation into Source Reality -- the home of First Source.
This Being pervades the universe as the sum of experience in time and non-time. It has encoded ITSELF within all life as a vibration of frequency. This frequency is not perceptible to the three-dimensional, five sensory context of the human instrument, which can only detect a faint echo of this vibration. First Source is present in all. And all are able to contact First Source through this tone-vibration of equality. Prayers of supplication do not stir First Source to response. Only the core expression of the individual's tone-vibration of equality will be successful in contacting First Source in a meaningful way.
First Source has many lower faces. These faces are often thought to be God Itself, but Gods are only a dimensional aspect of First Source and there are many faces of God as well. The Hierarchy has made this manifest, not First Source. First Source is not beholden to any law nor does IT operate in conjunction with any other force or power. IT is truly sovereign and ubiquitous simultaneously, and thus, Unique. IT is not hidden or wary of life in any way. IT simply is Unique, and therefore, incomprehensible except through the vibration encoded within all life.
The other faces of God have been created so the human instrument can fathom First Source and crystallize an image of this Unique Being sufficient to progress through the Hierarchy and access the Sovereign Integral perspective. Nevertheless, what you hold as God, is not First Source, but a facet of First Source developed by the Hierarchy as a comprehensible interpretation of First Source. We must tell you that these "interpretations" have been exceedingly inadequate in their portrayal.
Because First Source is Unique unto all creation, IT is indescribable, unfathomable, and incomprehensible other than through the tone-vibration of equality stored in the entity level of the human instrument and accessible through the core expression of the entity. Until there are a sufficient number of individuals who operate from the Sovereign Integral consciousness, the genetic mind will make access to this vibration difficult to achieve."
-Extracted from the Wingemakers website philosophy glossary; First Source.