Welcome to this Place of Emergence!

According to a Hopi legend, the world consists of several levels - or worlds - all connected and placed ontop of eachother. The Hopis tell that in ancient times, they migrated into this present Fourth World from the one below, climbing through a small hole in the ceiling of the latter. This tiny hole was named a Sipapu, or place of emergence.
Whether we want to label this story as true or false is perhaps not really the point. Some things are not intended to satisfy our rational, analyzing mind. Some stories are perhaps more correctly approached as mirrors - reflecting exacly what contents we ourselves put into them.

My intention is that the material of this blog may be approached as such mirrors. Perhaps a truth changes it's face every time it is observed from a new angle? Perhaps everything really depends on where we ourselves stand? Perhaps there are many levels to reality, like the Hopis themselves depict in their legend? And finally, perhaps every moment is a place of emergence, existing right within oursleves?

I'll leave the answers up the the viewer to decide. An answer is always present within every question. Similarly, a story is always planted inside every beginning, ready to be unpacked and unfolded.

Enjoy all that lives, grows, changes and is!

torsdag 6. mai 2010

The Trigonal model of expression.

...I believe that a triad consisting of Images, Music and Words can be used as a "sail of consciousness", capturing the winds that rise from the mystic source of this moment. It will not only be a sail, but also a banner proclaiming that the time is ripe to lift our collective awareness, and truely fathom the power that surrounds us, but which we of yet haven´t learned to harness. It involves becoming aware of the most fundamental thing that always is right in front of our eyes: the present Now.

Isn´t it ironic how the very last thing the fish discovers, is water itself?

I believe that the longing for unity magnetizes the attention of us all. I also believe that we are ready to shift our awareness towards increased wholeness - both within ourselves and in the outside world. We are lifted towards recognizing that fragmented experience is only a passageway into realizing the underlying wholeness of existence, and how this new awareness has to be "born" into the world through our own lives.

These words point towards a state where apparent contradictions can be embodied by one truth. They point towards a future where we may release our fragrance of individuality, while still realizing our connection to the same ground. They point towards the singularity of this moment, through which we feed off infinities nourishing soil. They point towards the truth that the closer we stand to ourselves, the more can we give to others. Within our tiniest source, we find the greatness of the world.

...I believe the triadic model I have outlined is a universal symbol utilized by a myriad different people as well as cultures throughout the ages. Only it´s name and representative parts have changed - it´s purpose has remained the same. On an individual level, it may be described as centering ourselves within a field of experience, where we move towards embracing the Wholeness of all that touches our attention within the present moment. It becomes the sail that lifts our awareness out of the fragmented world-view that pervades our consciousness today, bringing in a new perspective of reality, where all is seen through the converging prism of unity.

On a collective level, it unfolds the awareness of how each of us is bonded together by the same encompassing truth. As we shift towards expressing this awareness, purer strands of communication will flow throughout the withered veins of our shared body. We will awaken to the realization of how we all are like particles woven through eachother, how the great is contained within the small, how above is like below - and how we all are bridges posed between heaven and earth.

...Basically, a Trigonal is a planar (2-dimensional) molecular structure consisting of three atoms connected to one central atom. It resembles the geometrical shape of an equal-angled threesome whith a central point in the middle. The three surrounding atoms represent the expression of images, music and words, while the central "nave" to which they are attached represents the individual through which they are expressed.

Now, I want to stretch our imagination towards percieving all of us as one such central atom, and our trigonal of expression as fields of interaction with the outside world. The expressions we extend from ourselves may touch others, manifesting a bond of mutual exchange in between two people like atoms combining into molecules. A chain reaction might then occure, as new trigonals turn in bloom, rearranging our interactions into a harmonious, strong grid.

The grid that would arise bears a striking resemblance to the structure of a bee-hive. The hexagones of interaction would relate to us collectively like the cells in our bodies relate to us as individuals. Together we form the cellular structure of our collective human body. The genuine expressions we derive from our heart´s artistic palette would become the fillaments of coherence that herald a new identity of ourselves as one, interconnected being, sharing a common purpose and a common mind. We all would become atoms within the collective body of humanity - it´s cells sustaining the total of our organism, when our heart´s expression arches over to our fellow brothers and sisters.

Then, as we gaze out into the world, marvelling at it´s mystery, perhaps we would feel the presence of a vast being staring through our sense of wonder, reminding us that our mind is but a tiny facet upon it´s sparkling eye.

-Excerpts from The ground below my feet; an attempt at directing my own life along a personally meaningfull path.

"The greatest gift we can give to the world, is our own inner truth".

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