Once upon a time, below the sudden appearance a bright morning star, a child was born to this world. Calmly asleep, the child was placed like a pearl of innocence upon a string of events - for his destiny would entwine with that of others, leaving elaborate signatures of synchronized rhythm and rhyme wherever he would go. The unlikely star illuminating the birth of this boy, therefore, traced a ray of recognition within his peoples hearts; subtle - yet vibrant - like the sweet smell of some foreign flower, carried upon a breeze of wind. The people gave the boy the name Munir - Shining One - for light was what they saw, as they adored the serene beauty that bounced off from his innocent, virgin face.
Long before the event took place, the birth of Munir - the Shining One - had been anticipated by those who could sense the presence of both future and past living within the same space of time, and who therefore knew; a vision of unity was soon due to arrive. They where told, that by the aid of an individual swept in shining attire, the power of their people would be restored. Like circling bees, the people would gather around the shining one’s vision, as it would rise and bloom - crystallizing facets of truth, all imbued with the scent of one encompassing Truth. Like words swirling upon a current of thought, their minds would gather and swirl with wings too. However; the whole, true vision would only crystallize when all it’s pieces had been adhered to a common background - and into each their correct place, evoking a shield of resonance to take form. Yet, if this undertaking failed, the power of the vision would divide the people instead, scattering them like dust in a cosmic blink of an eye. Munir lay thus cradled, with a star of fate hovering silently above him, blissfully untouched by all matters except his own beating heart.
The peoples legends would tell of how the Shining One would reveal a grand story, reaching far into the past and deep into the future, weaving all time together like a snake biting it's own tail. It would inspire tales that could be told a retold times again; never growing old and ever reappearing in a new dimensions skin. Some said, that the true meaning of the story would resemble a creature of infinite essence, snaked around itself within a prism of time, while flowing up like smoke within a tipi of space. If the people where struck by it's true meaning, all would feel it's presence, as it would touch them like music vibrating along strings finely tuned to their hearts signature beat.
Now and then, the people
did indeed seem to sense the mystic presence of something vastly unspeakable rising up within themselves. Close to the unimaginable - where fiction blends with fact - a scaly spectacle of synchronized occurrence would flicker past their inner eye, evoking swirls of mythical, fantastical ascent that spontaneously would leap into being, before dissolving back into their bewildered minds. It seemed like some kind of magic creature would assimilate the fragments of their dreams - as well as the shards of their nightmares - into some kind of incomprehensive design, only to smolder away into unconsciousness, leaving but wispy trails of confusion in it's wake.
Somehow, the all-pervading gravity of one vision would collect all these illusive fragments, leading the people towards one common destiny, where inspiration would weave them together as one. Somehow, destiny’s lens seemed to be placed brightly above the innocent Munir, sleeping calmly in fates embrace, like a star mirroring itself within it’s own dream.
Munir would grow up to become a handsome boy, wise beyond his years, and well-liked by all that where touched by his presence. The boy seemed to radiate a sense of being unfamiliar to this world. In whatever he did, he would exceed beyond the expected, and wherever he rest his attention, something would be discovered from outside the frame of the ordinary. Curious in all respects, Munir loved to watch his older kinsmen, and he seemed to have a natural talent for imitating their ways and learning new skills without much effort. Munir could impress them all, when displaying his self-taught mastership of fluid undertaking. Already at an early age, therefore, he would evoke much joy within all people’s heart, as they admired the promise and sincerity that shined through every deed he did.
Yet sometimes his blunt honesty would beckon the people closer to long-forgotten places in themselves - where they once again felt vulnerable, weak and small; strangely mirrored in the curious child sitting before them, serving them questions they couldn’t decide how to dissect. Sometimes his innocence would roam far and wide, venturing into realms the adults had fenced-off behind awkwardness, ignorance and pride. At those times, the people would beam their confused eyes at each other, rather looking away than within themselves - blaming the other while warring over words and petty misunderstandings. For the hazy, half-wild vision slithered within them all; like some outcast beast, craving attention for it‘s food, and behaving either like a weeping baby or a draining whirlpool when not fed and pleased. For indeed it was true, like their wisdom would tell:
The truth lives within, alive an well. Living with it, will set you free, while living against it, becomes your cell.It was said, that somewhere, within an all-pervading vision, truth itself is supposed to live. Rumors had it too, that the beast of mythic dregs would impersonate their coming vision, when haunting the people in the hide of their darkest fears. It was promised - however - that when the time was ripe, the Shining One would summon a body of pure light, placing the half of the vision therein, while hiding the rest within robes of obscurity. The people where puzzled, as they couldn’t seem to add up all the pieces of this wholeness vision - at least not alone! For long nights, they would roam within themselves, scratching thoughts until it hurt, but never mending the wounds they projected upon each other. For what seemed like lifetimes, they would observe their fears with solemn looks, not realizing the lessons presented within Munir’s inquisitive, wondrous nature, as he reached out for the world, dissolving every monster with a smile of friendly welcome.
Meanwhile, the people where waiting for their banner of unity to unfold, expecting it to appear radiant and full like the morning sun, rising up from it’s place of emergence like some fiery messenger of presence. Yet the day would never arrive. The hope the people had placed in Munir, was starting to fade, as he never did more than smile at their worries and laugh in the face of their fears. Yet how could they blame a child, for what he was too young to comprehend? How could they be angered by his behavior, so seemingly untouched by all the evil of the world? Munir’s innocent presence would swirl among them like a fluttering butterfly, and slowly - slipping the grip of imprisoned tension - smiles would appear upon the peoples faces. With awkward steps, their stories would start to emerge, creeping out from their silent shells, where cob-webbed pains and dusty longings had been hidden and stored for ages of time. Emotions would blend as tears would mingle. Soon the people would see, how close they had been to each other all along, only separated by the thin veil of unspoken truth. Their stories would braid one another beautifully, as if guided by some invisible hand, revealing mirrored perspectives, and adding layers of understanding to the interwoven nature of all of life's facets. Soon, their words would be presented like bouquets of honesty, blending individuality like the rising smell of flowers on a hot summer day.
The people where drawn closer together - more close than they had ever felt before, even after all those years of sharing the same walls, and living below the same roof. Not knowing why, not knowing where, not knowing how - yet knowing with their hearts; they deeper they came to each other, the nearer they would stand their true self. With increasing clarity, a light seemed to call them, urging them to see that their uniting vision was close at hand. For this reason, the people would gather around a fire a night; singing, speaking and meshing together the golden hide of the vision they sought out with all their heart and mind. Like the smoke above the flames, their stories would entangle in spiraling sojourns, evoking resonance between light and dark, as between fear and hope.
Sitting by the fire, Munir would absorb all impressions intensely, growing from a child into an adolescent as his understanding matured and gathered size. Amidst the stories, smoke and flames, the young man thrived - like a butterfly in a cocoon, awaiting his time to spread wings and join the ascending spiral of creation, hotly rising above the moment‘s heat. For the moment, he remained silent and content. Yet steadily, as the many stories where woven through his mind, a gem of understanding started to emerge within a vortex of tiny crystallizing thoughts. Soon, all he could feel, where the sparkling rudiments of something beautiful; something
shiny, even if it was only dimly perceptible through wispy trails of thought. All he really knew, was that something drew him - like an arrow, flawlessly projected into the future by forces beyond his control. And by the same forces, he knew he would have to leave the fire, the stories and his people, only to reappear again in some distant time - striking the moment directly in it’s center, after wandering bridges from heart to heart. For love would make him leave, and love would make him return - forever in spiraling sojourns between selfness and selflessness, cascading sprinkles of beauty in unexpected twists of the same old expected, ever-growing tale.
So one night - while the embers of the fire burned softly, and when all that lived within the hearts of the people had been placed before the light of the flames - Munir was gone, leaving but a bundle of riddles, puzzles and paradox where his ephemeral body once had been. Suddenly and simply, he vanished from the peoples world, merging with the story from which he once emerged. Yet somehow, his presence always seemed to hover above them, watching the people closely like some mischievously parental eye. The people would remember him, as he would remember them; distant - yet ever present - embedded within everythings presence like moon and sun, or like mother and child, yet ever shifting shape in a bewildering spectacle of ways.
Like a magician unfolding his last and largest trick, Munir became the world by a single clap of his hands! Yet like he had promised, his footsteps would be traced - etched in history, inscribed in lore, wrapped within mysteries - tied together like tiny parcels of time, that only the heart knew how to open. For the body of Munir was indeed shining; glowing like a silver shield, as he roamed through time and space, wrapping his cloak about his people and the light of their heart, reflecting stories for every place he would rest. In the end, the people realized how Munir’s body had become themselves. Some would even wonder, if Munir simply had been living within them all along, laughing and toying with light and shadow - as he always had done, and always would do. Yet in the end, they realized that it didn’t really matter, for like some fragment of his body had presented before:
The truth lives within, alive an well - even though it carries us to places, where no mind can dwell.And so, in one holy knot of space and time, a people came together, gathering around the light of one common fire, to nurture a vision that love had conceived. There, below the still presence of a morning star, the people would feel the unmistakable touch of their vision - beating like a child within, yet also flung about them all like some protective shield, placing them like a pearl of innocence within destiny’s own embrace. So it happened that Munir - the chosen one, bringer of the shield - once again left his shining presence upon a newborn hope, inscribing the following words only a heartbeat away from his luminous body:
I am another you. I am the one you have been waiting for. I am another you.