Welcome to this Place of Emergence!

According to a Hopi legend, the world consists of several levels - or worlds - all connected and placed ontop of eachother. The Hopis tell that in ancient times, they migrated into this present Fourth World from the one below, climbing through a small hole in the ceiling of the latter. This tiny hole was named a Sipapu, or place of emergence.
Whether we want to label this story as true or false is perhaps not really the point. Some things are not intended to satisfy our rational, analyzing mind. Some stories are perhaps more correctly approached as mirrors - reflecting exacly what contents we ourselves put into them.

My intention is that the material of this blog may be approached as such mirrors. Perhaps a truth changes it's face every time it is observed from a new angle? Perhaps everything really depends on where we ourselves stand? Perhaps there are many levels to reality, like the Hopis themselves depict in their legend? And finally, perhaps every moment is a place of emergence, existing right within oursleves?

I'll leave the answers up the the viewer to decide. An answer is always present within every question. Similarly, a story is always planted inside every beginning, ready to be unpacked and unfolded.

Enjoy all that lives, grows, changes and is!

mandag 1. februar 2010

The Hourglass.

Here we have a shape;
we form it as a cone.
Inside it lies a snake curled
decending down the hole.

Here we have a shape;
pyramidal mound of stone.
The snake swings out it's tail and
spins inside this home.

Drawing from above
the bottom part is built.
Falling through the gateway
sand and stone is spilled.

Square we lay the base,
four-cornered like the core.
Inner iron crystal;
pyrite inside is stored.

Round we draw the rim
of the counterpart up high.
This other cosmic half holds
a vortex with an eye.

The pile builds up a peak
and the cone sucks itself thin.
the focal point's the passage
where the snake pours like a string.

So the snake bites it's own tail
as beginning becomes end.
The shape has twist around itself
as the seed is shell again.

Now this hourglass remains,
growing big and shrinking small;
continuous creation
and the snake runs through it all.